
In the News!!!

Early Sports 'n' Pop-Culture History Blog - 
In the News!

From Time to time, third-party news outlets, online publications, blogs, or journals pick up and link to, or republish, all or parts of posts appearing on  Early Sports 'n' Pop-Culture History Blog.

Here is a partial list:

  1. Lingua Franca, Language and Writing in Academe: Allan Metcalf, The First Dude, July 7, 2014.
  2. Edhat Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara History of John S. Hawley (inventor of the plunger), August 23, 2014.
  3. Lexicon Valley ( Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo with Ben Zimmer, Help Solve the Mystery, Where did Get My Goat Come From?, November 17, 2014.
  4. Word Routes (VisualThesaurus): Ben Zimmer, "Getting One's Goat," Can You Help Solve the Mystery?, November 17, 2014.
  5. SiliconBeat (Mercury News): Levi Sumagaysay, Off Topic: Baby and New Pair of Shoes, November 21, 2014.
  6. Modern Farmer Magazine: Anna Roth, Let's Stop Being So Mean to Donkeys at Parties, Modern Farmer Magazine online (referring to my piece, Pinning Down the History of Pin the Tail on the Donkey).
  7. Comments on Etymology: Peter Reitan, Origin of The Whole Three/Six/Nine Yards: The Sale of Cloth in Multiples of Threes was Common in the 1800s and Early 1900s; Volume 44, January 2015 (featuring my research into the origin of the idiom, "the Whole Nine Yards.").
  8. Vox (and MSN News): Joseph Stromberg, The Forgotten History of How Automakers Invented the Crime of "Jaywalking", January 15, 2015 (citing my Pedestrian History and Etymology of "Jaywalking").
  9. Circulo Seguro: Josep Camos, 'Jaywalking', o un poco de Historia sobre cruzar la calle de forma indebida, February 15, 2015 (citing my Pedestrian History and Etymology of "Jaywalking"). 
  10. Rafael Darrouy, Como a industria automobilistica criminalizou os pedestres que atravessam fora da faixa, February 2, 2015 (citing my Pedestrian History and Etymology of "Jaywalking").
  11. City Lab (from The Atlantic): Eric Jaffe, The L.A. Dodgers are Named after Terrified Brooklyn Pedestrians, February 19, 2015.
  12. Language Log: Mark Liberman, Solving the Mystery of "Off the Cuff", February 21, 2015 (featuring my post Paper Linen and Cuff Notes - A Well-Planned History of Off the Cuff).
  13. Ben Zimmer, Mailbag Friday: "Dude", March 1, 2015 Update.
  14. Comments on Etymology: Peter Reitan, 'Get/Come Down to Brass Tacks' -- Brass Coffin Tacks as Reminder of the Humble Fate Awaiting Us All, Volume 44, Number 7, April 2015 (featuring my research into the history and origin of the idiom, "Get Down to Brass Tacks").
  15. Lingua Franca, Language and Writing in Academe: Allan Metcalf, Getting Down to Brass Tacks - and Silver Ones, April 20, 2015. 
  16. Comments on Etymology: Gerald Cohen, More on 'get/come down to brass tacks', Volume 44, Number 8, May 2015 (includes reprint of my "Brass Tacks" Update).
  17. OUPblog (Oxford University Press): "Monthy Etymology Gleanings for May 2015," Anatoly Liberman, discussing my Comments on Etymology article (44/8, May 2015), based on my post, Brass Tacks, Counter Tacks, Furniture Tacks and Coffin Tacks - Nailing Down the Deathly Serious History and Etymology of "Getting Down to Brass Tacks".  
  18. Stanford Law Review, Richard Craswell, When Nicknames Were Crowd-Sourced - or - How to Change a Team's Mascot, Volume 67, Issue 6, June 2015, pages 1235 and 1259 (cites Grim Reality of the Trolley Dodgers). 
  19. The Bleacher Report: Laura Depta, Serving Facials: 12 Unusual Sports Sayings Explained, May 15, 2015 (cites The History and Origin of Monday Morning Quarterback).  
  20. Adam Clark Estes, The LA Dodgers Got Their Name from Brooklyn's Deadly Streetcars, June 10, 2015 (cites Grim Reality of the Trolley Dodgers).
  21. Vice Magazine's Fightland: Sarah Kurchak, The Prolific and Upsetting History of Humans Boxing Kangaroos, June 11, 2015 (cites Australia's Boxing Kangaroo - from Philadelphia?)
  22. Lexicon Valley ( Bob Garfield and Mike Vuolo with Ben Zimmer, Linguafile XIII: Don't Be a Clown, June 29, 2015 (discussing the History and Etymology of "Bozo").
  23. Word Routes (Visual Thesaurus): Ben Zimmer, Where does "Bozo" Come From?  Let's Not Clown Around!, June 30, 2015. 
  24. Matt Coneybeare, Article Details the Origin of the Phrase "New York Minute", August 16, 2015. Links to my post on the origin of "New York Minute".
  25. SF Signal (Hugo Award-winning online sci-fi magazine): Link to my post, The World's First Martians - and First Martian invasion, September 7, 2015.
  26. From Skedaddle to Selfie: Alan Metcalf, Oxford University Press, 2015 (release date, November 2, 2015), page 29 (reference to my work on Dude). 
  27. Language Log: Mark Liberman, Monkey Wrench, October 15, 2015 (featuring my post Charles Monk, Monkey Wrenches and a Monkey on a Stick).
  28. Fresh Signals ( Link to my History of the Club Sandwich, October 19, 2015.
  29. The Paris Review: Dan Piepenbring, Marcel's Spurious Sponge Cake and other news, October 20, 1015.  Brief discussion about, and link to, my piece on the Monkey Wrench.
  30. SiliconBeat (Mercury News): Levi Sumagaysay, Off Topic: A Pope's Pet Elephant, Punctuation History, Baby Needs New Shoes, Musical Coin Toss, October 23, 2015. 
  31. The Journal of Physical Security, Volume 8, Number 2, 2015, page x (Editor's Comments): Cites and links to my piece on, The Explosive History of Sis! Boom! Bah!
  32.  Comments on Etymology: Peter Reitan, Mardi Gras Origin of Parade Floats, Volume 45, Number 4, January 2016 (version of my post, Cotton Carts and Mardi Gras - a History and Origin of Parade "Floats")
  33. Lingua Franca, Language and Writing in Academe: Allan Metcalf, Floating Along on Mardi Gras, February 2, 2016. 
  34. SB Nation - Lighthouse Hockey (New York Islanders): Dan Saraceni, An Important Message Regarding Islanders Trade Rumors; Is it "close to the vest" or "close to the chest?"
  35. World Wide Words: Great Scott.
  36. The Paris Review: Sam Sweet, A Boy with No Birthday Turns Sixty, The Long, Tangled History of Alfred E. Neuman, March 3, 2016 (based, in part, on my research into the origins of Alfred E. Neuman). 
  37. Magazinrundschau vom 08.03.2016. German translation of excerpt of Alfred E. Neuman article in The Paris Review.
  38. Smithsonian Magazine:  Danny Lewis, Mad Magazine's Iconic Alfred E. Neuman Turns 60 This Year, March 17, 2016 (based, in part, on my research into the origins of Alfred E. Neuman). 
  39. The Huffington Post: Carla Herreria, So THAT'S Why It's Called Happy Hour, April 6, 2016 (citing on my Happy Hour Update).
  40. ABC 7 Eyewitness News, Chicago: Here is the Origin of 'Happy Hour' (also on ABC 6 Action News, Philadelphia).
  41. Business Insider: Thank the Navy for 'Happy Hour', June 15, 2016.
  42. We are the Mighty: Blake Stilwell, Of Course 'Happy Hour' Started with Bored Sailors, June 15, 2016.
  43. Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine: Dr. Dr. Rainer Erlinger, Abschied mit schwerem Herzen, Heft 39/2016, October 4, 2016 (article about appropriate response to receiving a useless "Lebkuchen" as a farewell gift, links to my piece on White Elephants).
  44. The Grammarphobia Blog: Melania's Pussy Bow, October 10, 2016.
  45. Chicago Defender: What do the Chicago Cubs, Baseball and Hinduism Have in Common?, November 4, 2016 (refers to my piece Holy Cow! Hinduism and Baseball). 
  46. The Wall Street Journal: After the Election, the Concept of 'Flyover Country' Rises; TV Executives may have helped coin the term, November 26, 2016 (Online November 22, 2016), Ben Zimmer, "Word on the Street". Mentions my research into the origin of the expression, "flyover country." (Google the article by its title and skip the firewall.)
  47. Celebrating Life: Customs Around the World, From Baby Showers to Funerals, Vol. 1, Victoria Williams, ABC-CLIO (Santa Barbara), 2017: Referencing my piece on the history of the game, pin the tail on the donkey.
  48. Florian Freistetter, Wie man wissenschaftlich korrekt auf einer Bananenschale ausrutscht, January 12, 2017. Link to my piece on the "Slippery History of the Banana Peel Gag".
  49. Atlas Obscura: The Strange Business of Suction Cups, March 29, 2017 (previously appeared on Tedium, March 21, 2017).  Both pieces refer to and link to my piece on the history of the toilet plunger.
  50. Language Log: Ben Zimmer, "Priming the Pump, a cartoon history," links to my piece on the history of the economic idiom, "priming the pump."
  51. ATI - Joel Stice, The Bizarre, Disturbing History of Kangaroo Boxing, August 2, 2017. Links to my piece on the history of boxing kangaroos.
  52. Mental Floss: John Kelly, "21 Words for 'Fool' and their Oafish Origins,", August 7, 2017.  Links to my piece on the origin of Bozo.
  53. The Atlantic: Ben Zimmer, 'Casting Couch': The Origins of a Pernicious Hollywood Cliché, October 16, 2017.  Includes my contribution of the reference to "a 1920 article in Photoplay magazine, a New York journalist reported on “immorality in camera-land” . . . ."(as acknowledged on Barry Popik's Big Apple online etymological dictionary.). 
  54. The Wall Street Journal: Ben Zimmer, "The History of the 'Dog Catcher' Insult, October 28, 2017, "Word on the Street" (online October 27, 2017).  Includes contributions from my piece  on the "History of Not Getting Elected Dog-Catcher."
  55. The Chicago Tribune, November 21, 2017, section 1, page 12: Excerpt from Ben Zimmer's Wall Street Journal article, "The History of the 'Dog Catcher' Insult."
  56. The Huffington Post: Caroline Bologna, "Why Do We Call That Holiday Game Yankee Swap, White Elephant and Dirty Santa,", December 18, 2017 (two links to my piece on White Elephant Swaps and Yankee Swaps).
  57. The Oxford Dictionaries Blog: John Kelly, Unwrapping the Origins of Secret Santa, Yankee Swap, and White Elephant Gift Exchanges, December 21, 2017.  Several citations and links to my two pieces on "White Elephants" and related gift-exchange idioms
  58. The Dodgers: 60 Years in Los Angeles: Michael Schiavone, Sports Publishing, 2018, Bibliography Notes ("Of course, the Dodgers were not always the Dodgers.  Peter Jensen Brown's "The Grim Reality of the 'Trolley Dodgers,'" is an incredibly insightful article on how the Dodgers got their nickname."). 
  59. Guys, the Club in Club Sandwich Isn't an Acronym,, May 18, 2018. In response to a twitter meme claiming that "Club" sandwich is short for "Chicken and Lettuce Under Bacon," linked to my piece on the "History of the Club Sandwich."
  60. Michigan Radio (NPR) 91.7 FM Ann Arbor/Detroit: "Don't Let this Idiom 'Get Your Goat'", Thats What They Say (Podcast), May 20, 2018.  Hosts Rebecca Kruth and Anne Curzan cite my piece on the origins of "Get Your Goat" in their discussion of the idiom. 
  61. ABI Journal (American Bankruptcy Institute): "Chapter 8 Humor," J. Scott Bovitz, September 2018, page 40, footnote 23. Refers to my piece on the origins of Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes.
  62. Phantastikon, das beste der Phantastik: Michael Perkampus, "Alfred E. Neuman (das raetselhafte Mondgesicht)," September 30, 2018. Discussion of the origins of Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman in a German phantasy blog.   
  63. The Lewiston (Maine) Sun-Journal: Lindsay Tice, Crazy for Cornhole, September 30, 2018.  Reference and link to my piece on "The History of Cornhole."
  64. No One at the Wheel: Driverless Cars and the Road of the Future: Samuel I. Schwartz, Public Affairs, 2018, Footnote 39. Referencing my piece, Jayhawkers and Jaywalkers - a Pedestrian History of "Jaywalking"
  65. Sand & Pine Magazine (a regional magazine of the Sand Hills of North Carolina): "Last Word: 'Let's Paint the Town Red,'" April/May 2019, page 56.  Reference to my piece, "Oyster Saloons and Brothels - a History of "Red-Light District".
  66. Experience Magazine (  Glenn McDonald, "Cornhole (yes, cornhole) is going pro," June 12, 2019.  Reference and link to my piece on the history of the "History of Cornhole (the Game)."
  67. This Must Be the Place: An Archictectural History of Popular Performance Venues, Robert Kronenburg (PhD RIBA), Bloomsbury Academic, New York, July 3, 2019.  Cites my post, Liquor Licenses, Steelworkers and the British Navy - an Unlicensed History and Etymology of "Speakeasies" in a footnote and lists is in the Bibliography.
  68.  The Pink Book: An Illustrated Celebration of the Color, from Bubblegum to Battleships: Kaye Blegvad, Chronicle Books, October 1, 2019.  In Chapter 1, "Pink and Language," she cites my piece on the Colorful History and Etymology of Pink Elephants.
  69. The Wall Street Journal: Ben Zimmer, "'Monday-Morning Quarterback' Has a History Almost as Long as the NFL", September 7, 2019, "Word on the Street" (online September 6, 2019).  Cites my pieces on "The History and Origin of Monday Morning Quarterback" and "Grandstands, Armchairs and Drugstores - Second-Guessing the History and Origin of 'Monday Morning Quarterback'".  
  70. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, William Sayers, "Exotic, Erotic: The Etymology of Hootchy-kootchy," October 26, 2019. Cites my piece on the History and Etymology of the "Hoochie Coochie" Dance.
  71. Mental Hannah McDonald, "What's the Origin of White Elephant Parties," November 29, 2019. Cites my piece on the origins of the expression "White Elephant."
  72.  Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Alex Mold (Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London), "Alcohol, Health Education and Changing Notions of Risk in Britain, 1980-1990," February 11, 2020. Cites my post on the Colorful History and Etymology of Pink Elephants.
  73. Imitation Artist: Gertrude Hoffmann's Life in Vaudeville and Dance: Sunny Salter-Pace, Northwestern University Press, May 15, 2020.  Cites my piece on the Colorful History and Etymology of Pink Elephants.
  74.  Rob Scholte Museum Newsletter: Cor Hendriks, "'Hiep Hiep Hoera!' Is Geen Antisemitische Uitroep" ("'Hip Hip Hurrah is not an anti-semitic slur"). Cites my posts, "Hip-story - the History and Etymology of a False Englis-language Etymology Based on Unsubstantiated German-language Etymology"; and "Three Cheers, Hip-Hip-Hurrah, and Tom and Jerry."  The Rob Scholte Museum is located in Den Helder, Netherlands.
  75. Golf Digest: Christopher Powers, "Did You Know: Where Did the Term 'Mulligan' Originate?, April 1, 2020.  Link to my piece, "Hey Mulligan Man!" a Second Shot at the History of Taking a Mulligan."
  76. The BS Dictionary: Bob Wiltfong and Tim Ito, ATD Press, Alexandria, Virginia, April 28, 2020. Citing my two pieces about the origins of the idiom, "Monday Morning Quarterback."Grandstands, Armchairs and Drugstores - Second-Guessing the History and Origin of 'Monday Morning Quarterback'"; "The History and Origin of 'Monday Morning Quarterback." 
  77. The Atlantic: Mary Mann, "Don't Fight the Boredome, Monotony may be one of the hardest things about living in lockdown, but it has its upsides., May 9, 2020.  Links to my post about the History and Etymology of "Happy Hour".
  78. Dodgers vs. Yankees: The Long-Standing Rivalry Between Two of Baseball's Greatest Teams: Michael Schiavone, Sports Publishing, 2020. "Peter Jensen Brown's 'The Grim Reality of the 'Trolley Dodgers,'' ( is simply a superb article on how the Dodgers got their nickname."
  79. The Sociology of Sports An Introduction, 3d Ed., Mcfarland, 2021: Tim Delaney and Tim Madigan.  Cites my piece on the history of standing up for the national anthem at sporting events.  
  80. Willa Cather Review, Volume 62, Number 2, Winter 2021: Timothy W. Bintrim, "Wee Winkie Goes to Washington: Cather's Early Impressions of the Nation's Capital." Cites my piece on the history of the White House Egg Roll (, which Willa Cather likely witnessed or participated in as a young girl.
  81. Buzzfeed: Hannah Marder, "23 Messed-up Disney Movie Facts that are Making Me Rethink These Films," , November 11, 2021. "[Number] 2. You know how Woody's catchphrase in Toy Story is 'there's a snake in my boot'? That's actually a euphemism for being drunk." Links to my piece on the history and etymology of "Pink Elephants" as drunken hallucinations.
  82. Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht im digitalen Zeitalter Taiwanesisch-österreichisch-deutsche Tagungen zum Öffentlichen Wirtschaftsrecht: Chen-Jung Chan, Chien-Liang Lee, Jörg Ennuschat, Stefan Storr (editors), Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021.  Cites my piece on the history of the Taximeter.
  83. On the Trail of the Jackalope: Michael P. Branch, New York, Pegasus Books, 2022. Cited in Chapter 6 for the "earliest-known contemporaneous report" of a Jackalope, from my post, "Civic Pride Through Taxidermy - a Many-Pronged History of jackalopes." 
  84. Janet Nguyen, "Check, please! But wait, isn't it a bill?"  Acknowledging my assistance in researching her piece on the origin of the expression, "check," to describe a restaurant bill.
  85. Green's Dictionary of Slang, entry for Zilch:  References my post, Frank Tinney, Ida May Chadwick and Joseph Zilch - Why "Zilch" Means "Zero."
  86. The Wall Street Journal, Ben Zimmer, "'White Elephant': An Exchange of Gifts or Comical Burdens." Acknowledges my contributions and links to two of my posts, "The Gift of the Nabob" and "Two-and-a-Half Idioms - the HIstory and Etymology of 'White Elephants.'"
  87. Plodding through the Presidents (Podcast): Episode, December 20, 2022, "The Teddy Bear's Fuzzy Foundations. References and links to my post, "Margarete Steiff, Moris Michtom and Teddy Roosevelt - Hunting Down the Origins of 'Teddy Bear.'", about the history of the Teddy Bear. 
  88. The US Sports Film: A Genre of American Dream Time, Danny Gronmaier, Berlin/Boston, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023. In the Bibliography, a reference to my post, "From Stuhldreher to Castner and Crowley to Staubach - a Last-Second History of the 'Hail Mary Pass.'"  
  89. The Ringer: "We Demand More World Baseball Classics," Ben Lindbergh, March 22, 2023. Links to my piece, "Wait 'til Next Year - a Painful History of Sports' Perennial Losers' Sad Refrain.
  90. The Drinking Curriculum: A Cultural History of Childhood and Alcohol, Elizabeth Marshall, Fordham University Press.  Cites my post on the origin of "Pink Elephants," as a drunken hallucination.
  91. Huffington Post: Sarah-Louise Kelly, "So THAT's Why a Club Sandwich is Called a Club Sandwich, January 25, 2024, 11:31 am GMT.  Links to my post, "Poultry and Pork on Toast, the History of the Club Sandwich.
  92. New York Times: Sarah Diamond, "Hey Dude, What's the History of Dude?, March 23, 2024. Links to my book, coauthored with Gerald Cohen and Barry Popik, Origin of the Term 'Dude.'


  1. I have an original charcoal drawing of Alfred E Neumann dated 1932. This was given to my grandfather with a letter of explanation. At the bottom the caption is Me-Worry? Is this a collectible item?

    1. I am not a collector, so my opinion means very little. But it sounds very interesting. Harry Stuff drew the original "Me-Worry" poster in 1914 - if that's what you have, I imagine collectors might be interested, although I do not know how rare they are. If it is an actual charcoal drawing, done by someone who had seen an original, it may have some "artistic" value, but might not be as interesting to collectors. Good luck, let me know what happens.
